What’s a Meter Installation Reference Number (MIRN) and where can I find mine?

Have you been asked for your MIRN but don’t know what the heck it is or where to locate it? We've got you covered! Here are the answers you're looking for:

What’s a MIRN?
A MIRN is a unique 10 character reference that’s associated with the Gas connection point at your home or business.

What’s it used for?
We use the MIRN to ensure we connect the right meter data with your account, resulting in an accurate bill. Specifically, it helps us:

  • Identify your supply address
  • Identify the meters and meter types at your supply address
  • Notify your existing retailer about your transfer to Energy Locals
  • Ensure we bill you correctly for your property’s usage

Where do I find my MIRN?
The location of your MIRN depends on your provider, but it's usually on the first page of your bill.

How will I know when I find it?
In most states, it’s an 10-digit number, typically labelled as MIRN on your bill, as shown on this lovely Energy Locals bill:


Still can’t find it? Feel free to contact us and our friendly Aussie team will do their best to help.

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