Here's what happens once you confirm your switch to Energy Locals:

  1. We'll send you a welcome email.

    We’ll send you a welcome email to kick off our beautiful new relationship and you’ll get an email with your shiny new account number in a couple of business days .

  2. We double-check your address.
    We’ll verify your address with the energy industry operator’s systems to make sure we’re connecting the right meter. If we can't get a perfect match we'll get in touch to ask for a bit more information. We once found that a customer's address in the industry system was a whole block away from where they lived. 🤔

  3. We'll tell your current provider.
    Don't worry, we'll handle the awkward breakup for you to ensure a smooth transfer. No need for tears or drama.

  4. Your current provider will hit the panic button.
    Brace yourself – your current retailer’s “save” team will probably call you like crazy to win you back. Despite what their voicemails might say, you don’t need to speak with them.
  5. You're officially on board.
    We’ll notify you when we now supply now. This process typically takes just a few days, and your supply won’t be interrupted. Your previous provider will send a final bill for usage up to the switch date, and we’ll take care of everything from there.

  6. Enjoy saving with a fair energy deal
    Celebrate knowing you're supporting a sustainable energy future while also helping your back pocket.
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