The rates we display when you sign up are our ‘anytime’ rates for your postcode.
We want to show you real prices rather than made up percentage discounts that you may be used to.
There are a few different tariff types that are set by your local network company: you might have Controlled Load 1 or 2, or Time of Use or some combination of all of these.
When you join we’ll check the industry systems so we know how your meter is configured. We’ll set you up on the equivalent rate for your meter type.
We can't and won't change your meter configuration without your consent.
^ A very interesting graphic about tariffs.
How do I find prices for my meter type?
If you know your meter type, have a look at the pricing page for your region. On these pages you'll find the detailed breakdown for every tariff type.
What tariff type am I on?
Pull a recent bill off the dartboard and look at the detailed rates breakdown on page two or three. That will tell you whether you're being charged for 'peak' (anytime), offpeak/shoulder (time of use) or controlled load 1 or 2. The rates we display when you sign up are our ‘anytime’ rates for your postcode.
If you're not sure, email us your bill and we'll help. You can also call us on 1300 693 637.