What’s happening with Energy Locals prices this year?
Every year, we update our prices to reflect the changes in wholesale, network, retail, and environmental charges that make up your tariff, which affects what you pay for energy.

Our team has worked hard to ensure that we continue to provide the fairest possible prices.

And the news is great as we’re lowering usage rates in response to these adjustments for most regions —a change we’re excited to share. On top of this, Australian households are set to benefit from a $300 National Energy Rebate from the Federal Government, aimed at easing cost-of-living pressures. 

However, for those in southeast Queensland, rates have mostly increased due to rising network costs surpassing the reductions in wholesale prices. To offset this, the Queensland Government is adding a $1,000 rebate, in addition to the National energy rebate, to household energy bills.  

More information about why prices change can be read here.

When are prices changing?
NSW, ACT, SA, QLD prices will be changing on 3 July 2024.
TAS prices will be changing on 9 July 2024.
VIC prices will be changing on 1 August 2024.

Will Energy Locals change rates again this financial year?
No surprises here! We update your prices once each year, thanks to our approach of buying energy gradually to lock in prices that provide you certainty for the whole financial year.

What’s the membership fee?
Our monthly membership is key to us giving you the lowest prices possible—it’s how we cover our running costs so we can provide you with usage rates at the same price we pay for them.

We’re thrilled that we have kept this unchanged for most of our members. But in Queensland and Victoria, we’ve unfortunately had to make a tough decision and increase our membership this year due to inflation.

What’s happening with solar?
The power you export back to the grid is directly linked to fluctuating wholesale prices. We're committed to promoting local renewable energy and aren't fans of rules or barriers that slow its adoption. However, when wholesale prices fall, as they have this year, the value of the solar power you generate also decreases—and the opposite is true when prices rise. 

Has my daily supply rate increased?
Unfortunately, network costs in most areas have climbed due to increased inflation. Additionally, last year we absorbed much of the cost associated with rolling out smart meter upgrades—we only passed about 10% on to you in an effort to keep your bills lower. This year, however, we've needed to pass through a larger share of these costs. The good news is, we've managed to reduce the usage rates in most areas, to help offset these changes.

Why are my time-of-use periods changing?
The networks have updated certain tariffs, altering the designated times for energy usage and the structure of these tariffs. To reflect this, we’ve adjusted our offerings to align with these changes to continue providing you with efficient service.

Are GreenPower rates changing?
While we carbon offset your electricity usage, GreenPower lets you do a bit extra to support new renewable generation in Australia by paying a small premium on your power consumption. The cost of the environmental certificates which make up GreenPower has been rising over the past year or so. We absorbed last year's increase as much as we could to protect our customers, but unfortunately, market prices remain high.  

  New Rate (inc.GST)  Current rate (inc. GST) 
10% GreenPower  0.485 c/kWh  0.39 c/kWh 
50% GreenPower  2.425 c/kWh  1.95 c/kWh 
100% GreenPower  4.85 c/kWh  3.90 c/kWh 

If you’d like to add GreenPower to your account we can do this for you.

Do you have other plans available?
You can compare and switch to other available plans to you at https://energylocals.com.au/switch-plan.

Do you have any financial assistance options available if I’m experiencing hardship?
We understand that anyone can fall on hard times. We have a range of payment assistance and support options available to help get you back on track if you’re experiencing hardship. Learn more at www.energylocals.com.au/hardship.

Where can I access Basic Plan Information Documents/Victorian Energy Fact Sheets
Basic plan documents are available on request or by visiting energylocals.com.au/prices.


Government rebates

Federal Government energy rebate
Australian households are set to benefit from a $300 rebate and eligible small businesses will receive $325 from the Federal Government to ease cost-of-living pressures. These rebates will be distributed in four quarterly instalments starting from 1 July 2024, and we’ll automatically apply these to your bills when you’re with us.  

Additional Queensland Cost of Living Rebate
On top of the National Government rebate the Queensland Government is providing an additional $1,000 cost-of-living rebate to household energy bills. This will be credited as a single lump sum starting from 1 July 2024, and we’ll also automatically this to your account when you’re with us. 

A reminder about the benefits of being a part of our unique community:

  • Your prices only update once each year: We buy energy gradually to lock in prices that provide you certainty for the whole financial year.
  • You’ll always speak to someone local: If you ever need assistance, our Aussie-based team is here to help.
  • 5-star energy experience: You’re with the 2024 & 2023 ProductReview.com.au award-winner for energy.
  • You’re supporting a sustainable energy future: As well as supporting incredible partners in the renewable energy space, we’ve also equipped nearly 300 apartment buildings with solar panels, battery storage, and EV chargers.
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